Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tool Tuesday

Last week we spoke a bit about Manageflitter.com and how it can help you be in more control of your Twitter account.  This week on Tool Tuesday, I'd like to review something called MediaFeedia.com, billed as "The business tool for Facebook!"  Let's face it, being the most powerful social media platform, Facebook is a goldmine for businesses!

MediaFeedia.com is a tool that allows you to manage multiple accounts at once, receive email from pages, easily set up administrators for your pages, as well as protection, and can schedule posts for users.  The later being one of the more powerful tools for a brand or business on Facebook.

The conversation is happening, the only choice is are you going to be a part of it.  Today, with 800+ Million people on Facebook, and over 480+ Million being active daily (1), there is a lot of discussions happening and a lot of potential customers talking about... well, you!  Sure, you may not have the biggest, most robust business out there, but you have customers, and chances are, they are on Facebook.

Let's take a look at an example of MeedFeedia's offers for instance and what it can do for your business:

Easy to see the power of managing deals and offers from your page and connecting with your fans.  The possibilities are endless!  In addition though, MeedFeedia.com allows you to manage multiple pages fro one hub.  If your business has multiple pages, or if you are coordinated with several businesses together, this is a great way to share the same content to the different audiences you want to reach, through all your pages, at once.

And the scheduling, well, let us face it, we're all not online ALL the time.  Good marketers know when their targets are looking at them.  Just like TV advertising, there are more prime time slots than non-prime, and when it comes to ensuring in the constant steam of media that you and your business get seen, having the capability to release your posts into the wild, at the prime times your customers use social media is very valuable!

Even more, they have a new feature that allows you to not only schedule your posts, but repeat them!  What's this mean?  Well, it means you can run the same offers or same news items at specific intervals to ensure consistency.  Run a coffee shop and want customers who are fans to always get notified of the "Flavor of the day" on Friday's at 7 am?  Can do.  And as you remember, consistency, well, she is the Queen!

There is quite a bit to like to about MeediaFeedia.com, but I will caution you that it truly is a business owner's tool!  That said, as an entrepreneur and small business owner, this can take your business to the next level in Facebook integration with your fans!

(1) http://newsroom.fb.com/content/default.aspx?NewsAreaId=22 

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