Monday, March 26, 2012

One Word

Truth be told, today's post will be a lot more than one word, but at the root, the goal from our "conversation" here will be for you to find your "One Word".

I talk a lot about personal branding.  Actually, it seems like a lot of people do.  However, I find not many people really take the time to stop talking and actually think about it.  Let's face it, no one just creates a brand, they develop over time.  If I could snap my fingers and be the perfect person in everyone's eyes, I'd be selling that in a bottle, somehow!  In fact, in most cases, people "end up" at their brand, rather than strategically designing it, let along understanding how they got there.

With that, today, I'd like to challenge you on something that may sound very simple, but trust me, can be a  challenge, albeit, one worth completing!  Today I would like you to think very hard, and very deep internally, as to what you stand for.  What do you want to project as a brand?  What are the beliefs that you want visible in your brand?  Then, I want you to think about what one word, a singular word, that describes that brand, those values, and that image.

Sounds easy right?  Well, mine took me almost a decade to figure out, so don't think this challenge is a one time, one session, sit down and crank it out thing.  No, this is more of a starting point, with the journey really being the joy, and yet the destination being just as rewarding.

My brand?  I focus it around my one word.  Trust.  I manage all my communications, all my discussions, all my interactions online, and in person for that matter, with one thought in mind, "Am I being honest and received as trustworthy?"  

This one question is something that runs through my head every day, in every meeting, blog post I write, topic I discuss, everything.  I've developed it over time as I said, in fact my original word was 'Dedicated'.  Over time I started to realize that I never liked posting in what I call "Clintonisms", which is where you give only enough info to lead someone in a specific direction.  I also realized I never liked giving out so much information that it may impact anyone involved.  It was slow, and I have had several different words, none bad, but all increasingly better than the last, to help focus me as a person, but also as someone interacting online.

Social Media extends conversations and networking opportunities.  If we try and "act" like someone online, sooner or later people will see through that and see who you really are and what you really stand for as a person or brand.  If you are not true to yourself in these cases, well, frankly, not many will be true back to you and you'll find your image, your brand, and your reputation hurting for it.

Finding your "One Word" will help you more than you think.  It'll become the basis for you your interactions online.  It'll make you think about what you are posting and if it would be perceived as that word.  It'll then bleed into your interactions in person, and soon, it'll be truthfully, who you are, what you stand for, and how other's perceive you and your brand.

Existentially, sure, this could be a discussion on "find out who you really are", but as most people tell me, "I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up", and they are in their forties!  Take time today to think about what you would like people to describe you as, what you would like people to say about you, and then think, if they were asked what your "One Word" was, what word would they choose for you?  If it doesn't align with what you think today, then the question is how can you change that?

If it does, bravo to you, as you are well down the path to perfecting your personal brand!  Believe me, while I feel I'm in a good place with mine, I know I'm not even close to done evolving, as a person, or as a perceived brand.  It is a lengthy journey, but with a singular focus of "One Word" to keep you on track, it's a journey worth taking!

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