Monday, March 12, 2012

You + Me = Us / The Business's Brand

I'm very much like you, my day job keeps me very busy!   So much so that many people often ask me how I find time to manage everything I have up in the air at once, let alone manage the Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, accounts that I own.  Well, aside from having access to this pretty sweet DeLorean... ok, truth be told, I don't sleep much.  You probably work with someone like me, or maybe even you are like me!  Either way, the lives we lead, both on social media platforms and in "real life" seem to be always on a collision course or are already merging and bleeding the lines.

Many employers have some type of social media training program, or even a certification system set up, that will not only train you on social media, but will lay out the company's strategy for social media usage along with the guidelines they expect of you when you speak on behalf of the company.  For as many companies  that do have this in place, there are many more who have never done this, let alone have even thought about it!

Today, on, there is a great inforgraphic about this very topic.  With more statistics than you can shake a digital stick at, it's almost too much to take in at once.  But like all good infographics, there is a story behind it, and a chapter to be written still ahead.

Every day we have choices to make on how we will represent ourselves, our brand, our family, and our employer.  For some of us, we are the boss and owner!  In every case though, the internet and social media, are always on, and as you may have heard, nothing, nothing, is ever deleted from the interwebz!  This means we should be careful with what we post, when we post it, and to whom we share it with.  I know, it seems like a very simple principal doesn't it?  Yet there are countless blunders every day.

This means as an employer or business owner, well, quite frankly, how can you not be terrified that someone  will commit said blunder and tarnish the reputation you have worked so hard to build for your company?  Especially with a small business!  Quite simply, you have to be terrified.  Ok, not terrified, but aware at least!  Not to the point that it impacts your health of course, but to the point that it motivates you to put a strategy into place for your company, for your people and let us be honest here, for your customers!

Whether you listen to the inforgraphic, this blog, or any other sources out there, the truth is, without direction, any destination is acceptable.  So if you are ok with anything that can happen, all my best to you and yours.  But if you know where you want to end up, then plan today to take the right roads to get you there.  

Invest in guidelines and principals that lay out your expectations for how you suggest employees should use social media on behalf of the company.  Enlighten them and entertain them on ways to engage with customers, partners, and each other, that extends the values your company stands for.  Listen to them about what is working.  Let me say that again, listen to them about what is working... and more importantly, what isn't!  As front line soldiers, they'll know!

If you are the employee and this type of strategy isn't in place, challenge your employer as to why not!  Ask if they are ok with you speaking as if you were them.  Odds are, they won't be.  Now, some of you may work some place that doesn't allow social media use on computers during the work day/night.  To these people I have two words for you to share with them, "Smart Phones".  Ignoring the problem won't help anyone.

Of course, if you are ok accepting the risk, and let's face it, there are a lot of risk takers out there, then there is the alternative of just "winging it", but as always, buyer beware!  In today's world, everyone is striving for a work-life balance, and more often than not, we see the same type of struggle between work-life social media.  Taking the time today to plan for the destination you want to end up at tomorrow will reap rewards both for you and your people... and even, dare I say it... the customers!

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