Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Drawn to Life

Infographics are an interesting lot aren't they?  As social media activists, we are more often than not, drawn to them (pardon the pun there) like moths to a flame.  We stare bewilderingly at the creative shapes, colors, lines, connections, and designs as though we're reading tea leaves and our future hangs in the balance.  With that, I thought I would share some of my favorites, along with a link to a new one.

First, Be The Match, a bone marrow matching service, has a new application for Facebook, that will uniquely present a view of your profile as well as provide stats on their services and connections that may line up through it all.  Called My Social Strand, it gives a good amount of info in a nicely wrapped package.

Here's my output below.  I personally like the portion about me being a thrill-seeker.  While I'm not so much climbing Mount Kilimanjaro,  it asked me to pick four pictures from a grid that stood out for me, and it nailed it for my personality in terms of the "I'll speak in front of any crowd" piece.  Just remember if you do yours, these things are usually subjective... for instance I know I have friends who are Democrats, even though it doesn't list them. (and yes, that's me and Weird Al Yankovic)

Now, in terms of some of my favorite infographics... here are some examples and reasons why I like them (in no particular order):

1.) Technology Enhances Learning:  Colorful, informative, and taking the simple pie charts and making me want to know the data behind them.

2.) The Non-tuition Costs of Education:  Who doesn't like Monopoly?  Well this infographic, again on education with a spin, looks at the average costs of non educational related costs for students living away from home but does it in a way that makes you think games and money! (well, at least I think money with that shade of green)

3.) Car A?  Yeah, it's that guy's fault!  I like how this one takes the way we all feel and wraps it up in one package to explain why we all enjoy working from home from time to time.

4.) The Startup Eco System... well done, somewhat long, but right on spot in every facet.  If you have never worked at or run a start up, share this with someone you know who has and enjoy their reaction.

5.) The Psychoogy of color... hm, wonder if that's why so many tech companies choose blue?

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