Sunday, March 4, 2012

Kings and Queens

Social Media, be it personal or professional is an amazing arena!  Every day we see advertisements letting us know we can connect with our favorite brands on Twitter, Facebook, and other social platforms.  Our friends tell us, "Hit me on Facebook!" or "Send me a DM" these days instead of "Call me sometime!".  Whether you are seeking out those brands, or trying to stay connected with those friends, Social Media is essentially extending the networking capabilities for you... but, the big question is, once you find those brands, or those friends, will being connected to them enrich that relationship?

I love seeing clever advertising.  I am kind of geeky like that.  Seriously, I love seeing a good 30 to 60 seconds that makes me laugh, or makes me connect in some human fashion, so that I am moved to align to something.  (Even if that something is sometimes as simple as popping open a can of Diet Coke.)  However, when I see something clever, my inclination is to immediately look on Facebook or Twitter for that brand's presence there. After finding it, I then take a moment to look at their recent posts or tweets.  And nothing fair reader, nothing is more disappointing than seeing a lack of consistency when I get there.

By that, I mean that there may not have been any activity in over a week or more, even in some cases, months! Or, my favorite, when there is a ton of activity, but it bounces around more than a jackrabbit on a pogo stick!  Whatever the case may be, it's something we all have seen.  Probably more so with our personal connections than professional brands, but it is present in both areas.  Let's face it, we all know one person in our list of online connections, who posts at 8 am, 7 pm, and 2:3 in the morning, all about different things, different places, and makes you think, "Wow, Bob never sleeps... ever!"  The person or business either is erratic with when and how much they are using social media, or lack there of, or they are so engrossed in it, you can't tell what the message is they are trying to send, other than they are a bit "too connected" at times, having no clear direction.

In the world of Social Media, we always hear, "Content is King!"  It is!  It really is!  Without content, your friends will think you are boring, your customers will think you have nothing of value to them, and your social presence will look like the Sahara.  But, too much content, or more specifically, dis-organized content is as painful as the lack of it!  This is why I have dubbed and adopted the phrase, "While content is King, Consistency is Queen!"

We all strive to do our very best; I'm a big believer in this.  I would hope no one wakes up saying, "I really hope I screw things up today!"  Yet so many of us don't take the time to simply put a cadence around when we'll use Social Media and what major messages we want to display with it.

I challenge you to ask yourself the simplest of things like:

  • When is my target audience listening?  Morning, noon, or night?
    • Yes, if you are reading this for personal use, you should still know when the bulk of those you are connecting with are online so they see your thoughts and comments.
  • Can I commit to posting/tweeting then?  If not, are there tools that can help me?
    • Don't fret if the answer is no here, there are a TON of tools available to you!
  • What is the brand or presence I want to display?  
    • Even deeper, what one word should describe me, or my product?  
    • Once I know that word, what can I do to ensure my plan delivers it, all the time?
It is ok to deliver several different pieces of content in your social media platforms.  It's even ok to put as much content out there as you can manage and your audience can absorb.  However, doing it erratically, both in timing and substance, can do more harm than good.  Think of it like this, do you like it when you talk with someone who seems to know something about everything?  Do you like it when someone is constantly talking, about so many things, where you can't get a word in edgewise?  The great Yogi Berra even once said, "I was trying to start a conversation, but too many people were talking!"

The existence of a tool does not predicate someone's correct use of it.  That comment has never been more appropriate than in Social Media.  Rising above the mediocrity and tapping into the raw power in this strategy will not only extend your networking capabilities, but it will also enrich them!  This is the true power, and one that will return much greater on investment!

Remember, "Content is King and Consistency is Queen!"  

~ Social Mo

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