Thursday, May 3, 2012

Where there is a Wil, there's a way

Have you ever been watching an awards show, like the Grammy's or the Emmy's or some other "'s" show and that moment happens?  You know, the one where the overzealous "artist" takes the time during their "acceptance" speech to not just thank everyone, but decides it's time to become a politician?  Yeah, that moment.

I've never been a fan of that moment.  In fact, I've never really been a fan of awards shows overall.  I've always found them quite overrated and save for a few magical moments in their long and continuous return, have only provided constant material for comedians to consume.  With that intro, I give you this....

From - with a warning: this post has censored language from a celebrity that may be found as offensive to some readers. Star Trek Actor Launches Vitriolic Tumblr Rant Against Google +

Essentially, Wil Wheaton, who is adorned by geeks and nerds alike, and not just for being "that kid from Star Trek",took to Tumblr to vent his frustration about the capability to "+1" a video on YouTube (his own video) without being forced to upgrade to Google+ first.  

Cussing and ranting aside, the thing that stuck out to me here was his comment, "...the core of my audience is tech-savvy and may not want to "upgrade" to yet another <expletive> social network they don't want or need."

"...they don't want or need."  That is what stuck out at me.  See, I've talked about the Shiny Ball Syndrome before, and as a culture, we seem to be more and more like moths to the new social flames these days.  Look at Pinterest's growth in the last year if you don't believe me.  Yet Wil, if I may use his first name, takes the time to point out that he thinks the tech-savvy crowd doesn't want or need more social networks.  So, of course, as always, my brain started churning.

I asked a few of my tech-savvy friends today about this and you know what some of the responses I received were?  "Yeah, honestly, I could care less if another social network is released, I'm so dug in on Facebook and Twitter right now, I won't ever escape."  That shocked me!  And it was more than a handful who responded in that manner.

So I ask you, dear readers.  Tech-savvy or not, are you fed up with more and more social networks?  Are you spent with the multitudes of options and the ever spawning eco-sphere of social-biotics?  Are you so entrenched with your current networks that changing would be as painful as changing from cable to satellite or from Android to iPhone?  

I for one have always welcomed change and new things.  I too though, like Wil, would prefer them not to force me to "Like" something before I have tried it.  The double edges of this sword lie in the mass amount of networks for utilization and the flip side of how those networks use their data, or rather, our data.  

What Google+ is asking of Wil, and anyone, isn't any different than what Facebook or others ask of their users.  It just so happens it is "another" network gathering data and utilizing and bending it to their own end, and that is where the crux of our celebrity's frustration may really stem.  

I only speculate though, but I am curious on your thoughts, and where you stand (or sit) in this evolving digital world.

PS - In the spirit of full disclosure, I've never been a Star Trek fan, but I do like some of the things Wil Wheaton has offered the world of geeks and nerds, most notably, his newest series he was trying to +1, TableTop on YouTube.

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