Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tool Tuesday - TweetStats

Today, I'd like to share a simple but effective tool for all you Tweet-hearts.  It is deceptively simple, yet very telling and informative.  May I humbly introduce you to, TweetStats.

TweetStats, is as it's namesake implies, a place the provide all of us analytically minded folks with more data than we can shake a fail whale at!  Starting with a tool has never been easier, it is as simple as adding your twitter username into the front page, hitting "Graph My Tweets" and you are off and running!

One of my personal favorites is looking at your daily Tweet Density, or in layman's terms, "what times do I tweet?"  As an example, here is mine, which tells me I'm doing a lot in the afternoon and evening.

Now, this may not matter to you, but to me, it lets me look back at the last week and start to push myself to do things differently.  As an example, I try to NOT be on computers between 6 and 9, or connected to anything other than my kids, their homework, and their needs.  Sure, sometimes that involves computers, but I don't think my 4 year old cares about the latest chip release retweet from Intel I did, nor honestly, should he.  It does however remind me, hey SocialMo, refocus in the evenings and try and shift those times to when the kids are in bed or earlier in the day.  Level setting, it's a wonderful thing.

Additionally, another great graph they provide (have I mentioned this is all free so far too?), is this one on who you ReTweet.  Sure we all "think" we know who we ReTweet, but this can tell you quite a bit about who you follow, and who is Tweeting things you want to tell your world about.

Finally, not to be outdone, if you click on the very top of the graph page, where there are three small buttons (Tweet Stats, Tweet Cloud, and Follower Stats) you can see your Cloud.  For wordsmiths, this is something to behold.  For example, I have a colleague who is adamant about not using the word "great" in any tweets or Facebook posts.  As you can see by my cloud, I use that a bit much so I'm sure it drives him batty.

Yes, TweetStats has a lot of information... well, actually, the web does, and they are just serving it up in a unique, and free, way, that provides value to you.  Whether you are looking for validation, recalibration, or just plain information, TweetStats is a must have tool in your Social Tool Box!

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