Thursday, April 5, 2012

The future is so bright, I gotta wear shades!

Google is an amazing company.  I'm waiting for someone to do a thesis on the company, it's effect on society, and it's impact on the lifestyle of human beings.  Apart from how much we use it, Google has probably more cached information on humanity than anyone, or anything, in existence.  And now, they are shooting to give you some hands free, super cool, not-so-far in the distance glasses!

If you are familiar with the corning "A Day Made of Glass" video, this one from Google will feel somewhat familiar, with it's "what if?" theme and the bright future in store for us.  Take a gander:

The big question is, would you wear glasses like these, that augment your reality, and keep you in touch with almost every aspect of your life?  For those of us who wear glasses today, may not be much of a stretch.  But for those of us who don't wear glasses on a regular basis... would it?

My first concern is the size of the battery I'd have to have in my backpack to plug these into, but hey, this isn't something coming out next week, so I'm sure they'll solve that pesky power problem along the way.  That said though, the concept of being socially and digitally connected, AND hands free all the time, is quite enticing!

Augmented Reality is a term that has been around for quite a while.  There are several apps today that aim to provide a more "augmented" or "improved" view of the world around you via social information.  Unfortunately, for the most part, this isn't a technology or mindset that has really peaked yet in terms of adoption, for several reasons.  Most impacting to the space, is no one has put out something that can be a "standard" for use and posting of data.  With so many "small hubs" to go to, it's hard to truly augment anything.

That all said, if the right company, with the right data, gets behind the concept, then you can easily see how relevant, top of mind or immediate sentiment data can provide a more user friendly world, with more immediate capabilities to make decisions that will delight and reward us.  Now, if we only knew of a company with a massive amount of cash, research engineers, developers, and data... hmmm... 

Thinking back ten years ago, "Facebooking" wasn't anything more than a sniglet at a dinner party, and today's it's as natural, well, as wearing glasses.  A good friend of mine told me today, "Science fiction more often than not, becomes science fact."  Now, given all this information, I pose the question, what could/would/should a device as amazing as "Google Glasses" do for your social networking capabilities, and potentially, even your lifestyle?

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